What is Robotics?

Robotics in medicine has a wide range of applications, from simple motor patterns and cognitive training to complex tasks like walking.

Glavic Clinic proudly ranks among the top institutions for robotic neurorehabilitation.

Our distinction comes not only from our prestigious position but also from our unwavering commitment to leveraging the latest technological advancements.

As the sole Reference Center for Neurorehabilitation with Robotics for Southeast Europe and the EMEA Reference Center, we don’t just follow the latest technological trends – we lead them.

Our mission is to ensure that each patient benefits from the most rapid and enduring recovery possible.
Offering personalized treatment plans, our clinic boasts more than 30 of the most sophisticated robotic devices, complemented by a dedicated team of seasoned professionals.

At Glavic Clinic, we merge robotics with traditional physical therapy, crafting an innovative concept that consistently yields remarkable results in patient recovery.

For example, when only classical physical therapy is done and it is interrupted, the organism begins to let go, and the extremity returns almost to the beginning of the problem. Unlike conventional methods that focus on the extremity, we target the root of the issue—the brain itself. With the help of robotics, there is no going back in neurorehabilitation due to the brain’s neuroplasticity. And then there’s no step backward.

Intensive, pioneering, and highly effective—experience the Glavic difference in neurorehabilitation.

How does robotics work?

The level of a patient’s recovery after different neurological illnesses or injuries depends on the amount of activation of the brain’s neuroplasticity.

Brain neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to change, reorganize, and make new nerve cells and connections between the existing ones as a response to the damage that has been made. In that way, neurons around the damaged one take over its functions, leading the patient to a better recovery. The best way to activate neuroplasticity is with high-intensity training.

In Glavic Clinic, we do exactly that.

Neurorehabilitation with robotics provides efficient and motivating high-intensity and high-frequency training and encourages neuroplasticity much stronger than the classical approach to rehabilitation.

Neurorehabilitation has the most critical role in this process because encouraging the reorganization of the nervous system provides the return of functionality of the patient’s body as much as possible.
With the combination of intensive training and repetition that neurorehabilitation with robotics provides, we show that the patient accomplishes sensational results in improving the overall health condition, for it encourages brain activity and trains the brain.

In neurorehabilitation, there is no going backward thanks to the brain neuroplasticity because the functions return permanently since the change is not made in the periphery (on the extremity) but on the brain. Therefore, there will be no steps backward.

Neurorehabilitation with robotics pushes the limits of possible.

How can robotics help me?

  • Stroke
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Cerebral Paralysis
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Post-surgery damages
  • Neoplasms of the central nervous system
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Shoulder and elbow
  • endoprosthesis
  • Brachial Plexus injuries
  • Neuropathy
  • Paraplegia
  • Degenerative diseases of the lower extremity joints
  • Muscular atrophy
  • Muscle weakness due to lack of mobility
  • Hemiplegia

Start your recovery

Contact us today
Prim. dr. Josip Glavić

specijalist neurolog – ravnatelj Poliklinike Glavić Dubrovnik i Zagreb

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